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Friday, December 19, 2008

Planned School Attack


As I was watching the news this morning for school delays & closings ~ the top story was about my daughter's high school. My jaw dropped & tears filled my eyes as I thought to myself ~ Not in our small town. Pictures of Columbine High School flashed through my head. State police arrested a 17 year old boy from my daughters school yesterday for planning an attack on the high school. When they searched his home ~ they found numerous weapons & such. This kid must have talked ~ maybe he was proud of what he was about to do, I don't know ~ but THANK GOD ~ some students reported his plan to school officials, so instead of watching the news & seeing my daughters school under attack & wondering if my beautiful "little" girl was dead or alive ~ I am thanking God & hugging my daughter this morning. Now I'm sitting & waiting for the press conference that the school is going to hold "sometime today" ~ I want to know what the school plans to do so I know that my daughter will be coming home to me every day after school. School is closed for today because of the weather ~ but how do I let her walk out the door on Monday morning ?????

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